
Showing posts from June, 2016

Gray in LA: The Aging Rebellion


Gray in LA: The Aging Rebellion

Silverella in "Crossroads of the World" in Los Angeles


FLESH FORWARD - Do the Jiggle! It's Summer!

Sorry - photo-shopped Arms! (photo@Eva Napp) Every year it gets worse. It's almost summer everywhere and it is really hot in LA. Oh, how nice to wear a skimpy  dress with spaghetti straps the way you always did, all your life. Without a bra! After all, you are of the sixties generation. Except you are well over 60 now. So what! You are who you are and can’t see no harm in having allover exposed skin on your entire upper body. And there isn't any (harm)!    And yet.... one's own perception, definitely shaped by upbringing, too, being what they are, are unyielding:  I'm not crazy about my upper arms.  This is an awfully cute picture. But I don't like my arm - so I cut it off! They hang, they  jiggle; don't like it at all. I'm looking for cover. Silly? Yes ! Who cares? Yes! Wear what you want? Yes! But is that really always the mantra that works? Since I always see ads that offer magic and strenuous exercise to get back the arm...