
Showing posts from March, 2018

DEAR YOUNG PEOPLE! Thank you for Marching! Letter from a former Street Fighting Girl

Letter from a former Street Fighting Girl These are combustible times. There were already 2 huge Women's Marches recently and now we witnessed the heart wrenching and powerful #MarchForYourLives event all over America.  "Welcome to the Revolution!" said the young woman, Emma Gonzalez, who initiated the movement, in a clear voice at the Washington rally. It was music to my ears. Having been a young woman in the late sixties I had a strong sense of deja vu. I saw today's faces - beautiful young faces with tears in their eyes, with hope and anger in their hearts and heard the outrage in their voices. They reminded me of our faces then. The urgency and the passion were electrifying. I realized that anguish and the wild will to force change , no matter the risks and the costs, look the same all over the world in all generations . I choked quite a few times. I don't know whether young people ever think about...