GRAY IN L.A. "Don't Take it Personally!" - BUT I DO!

Photo: Eva Napp

Don't you just love it when people, friend or foe, are doing or saying something - and hastily add to it a, "Don't take that personally!" 

I think I want to start a new Blog where I really really want to be totally controversial, confrontational, blunt, direct, "aggressive", attacking, frank, fresh, feisty, free, funny (oh, it's the "F" words again) - IN SHORT: Un-American! And I want to punch a hole in all the daily pretense and charades and empty phrases, failing to address REAL issues that burn up my energy. It might be the Trump-Blues, or it's just that Life's dark shadows are following me around, whispering questions into my ear, but I'm losing patience with a lot of things. Here's a phrase I keep hearing a lot lately from people I know well, even very close friends. I have two who are very busy, like we all are. I haven't seen either of them in many months. I know that's supposed to be just normal life, I'm supposed to find that fine. But their attempt at making this a non-issue IS an issue I have. They say: "Don't take it personally!"

The point is, I LIKE to take things personally, I think it creates an interesting challenge and closeness and makes for lively, honest conversations that even lead to something - like discoveries about each other! I also not only like to take things personally, I like people to take ME and the things I do and say personally, because I'm a person who tries to be as personal as possible. Why? Because it gives me a soft, warm, emotional and personal feeling. It glosses over my insecurities and makes me feel like being "seen", recognized, something we all crave, no matter how silly that is.

Of course, there are things I definitely don't take personally or really don't care about one way or another. Like when a dog would try to bite me, or if the bus driver doesn't smile, or when a homeless let's down his pants in broad day light and starts peeing into the street - a daily sight in Hollywood. Nope, not taking any of that personally. As for the rest. If you want to get a point across, need to throw in some criticism, have an ax to grind, have a real different opinion about explosive topics, don't say to me, "Don't take that personally!" Make it personally! It could be stimulating and wonderfully authentic. And I can take it. Really!


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