WHITE CHRISTMAS - Santa as Trendsetter

It's almost Christmas. I don't shop, I have no family in the States, I'm single, so I'm relaxed. But others are super-busy. So let me be brief for the last blog of the Year!

It will be pretty cold over the Holidays in Los Angeles which is nice in many ways because it sets free delicious visions of coats and stylish sweaters, fancy shawls and a glove here and there. But most of all it tickles the fantasy bone of a longing that simply must have something to do with childhood and lots and lots of Nordic fairy tales: Snow for Christmas!

I'm not immune to that kind of longing since I grew up in Germany where Christmases were white indeed very often. But I know it's not going to happen in LA. So what? We're grown-ups and the only white this Christmas will be on the heads of a lot of people - and that includes Santa Himself, the Mighty Maven of style - longish hair, beard and all. Come to think of it, naked, or let's say, in his Union Suit - which he is wearing in a charming illustration from the 40s - he looks a bit like an old hippie-biker dude, right?

So, because I have nothing better to do than allowing my fantasy and silly bone to run wild, and because I like to end the year on a gender neutral note and salute an Old Guy.

I herewith declare Santa Claus the Style Icon for the "mature" set for the month of December. I don't know why I have overlooked him until now, although he is such an inspiration. I don't know his relationship to God but I think he was born old and gray and put on earth for a reason. 

And look, what a Career (for all the whiners who claim there's no work after 50!). Still in business, still gloriously Silver-White, inimitable! He withstood the pressure of time and fashion, and no matter what men were wearing the last 4, 5 decades, dyed hair, layered permanents, the Rod (Steward), silly sideburns, preposterous beards, he was proud of his age and his hair color. Can you imagine Santa sneaking into a drugstore at any time and asking for "Clairol" in Teddybear-Brown or "Trump-Yellow" the new color? Of course not!

So I salute Age and classiness, pride and Wisdom - and for the New Year I hope for lots and lots of silver, white and gray hair in all available shades. Fearless and proud! No red hats or coats with fur trimmings necessary. Because like always, in Old or New times - the Golden Rule is:

BE YOURSELF! Santa is!

Hi Santa!


  1. YES YES Good message,...love all the white of all our heads/hair! 72 degrees in NYC crazy! but we will take it. Enjoying it all. xox D

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Beatrice, and if I must, Bea, Bini, too. Glad you liked it. It is very cute that post Ha ha, Ho Ho Ho....

      Happy New Year! Sabine

  3. Merry Christmas, California style. It's a Stress-free Christmas for my husband and I, our Children are adults with grown children of their own, and it's their turn to fen for them, we are now able to choose the way our Christmas needs to be. Filled with Peace and No fuss for us. Lights that use to be outdoors and now indoors for us to marvel at, no tree, except for the ones right outside our windows, The Joy of the Birth of Christ is in our hearts and the gift of Friends, like you, and a Loving Family is what I treasure most. Peace is the order of this Glorious day. I am Happy to have meet you, and what little time we shared, it's with me forever. Merry Christmas to all the Silver Sisters that make this Holiday Bright ! Like Santa Claus we are pretty Jolly, Happy to go Gray, and Live in L.A.
    Blessings to a Fabulous Year, 2016. Rev. Emma of BodyNSoul Studio

    1. Hi Emma - just wanted to thank you for your comment. And it's a very warm and generous and charming comment! Maybe we can meet again? What neighborhood are you living in? I'm in Hollywood. Alle the Best, and a Happy New Year! Sabine

  4. Hi Ingrid- again. Du schreibst so reizende mails and posts. Thank you so much. Ja, Christmas can be sentimental, and it's more fun with kids and family! Wünsche Dir die allerbesten Tage und ein wunderbares Jahr für uns alle... Liebe Grüsse, Sabine


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